Case 22-64
Division #8

In 2023, one of the applicants from Case 21-41 and Case 22-12 became the Chair of the Covenants Review Committee (CRC).

The mother of one of the applicants from Case 21-41 and Case 22-12 became the President of the Somerset Community Association (SCA) Board.

The SCA Board/CRC replaced their longstanding attorney who helped write the View Guidelines with a new attorney.

Another pair of Somerset homeowners in Division #8 submitted a remodel application with a second story addition that would affect uphill neighbors’ views.

Under the counsel of the new attorney, the CRC provided initial feedback to the remodel application.

See the initial feedback letter

Several uphill neighbors who would be affected by the remodel reached out to their Division #8 Ambassador to bring their objections to the Board. Before the Ambassador could present their report at the Board meeting, the Board voted to disband the Ambassador Committee.

Two past SCA Board Presidents who were also on the Ambassador Committee resigned from the Board in protest of the current Board/CRC’s actions.

See their resignation letters

After the applicants revised their plans and resubmitted their application, the CRC, with the help of their new attorney, drafted a 52-page approval letter.

See the approval letter

A group of uphill neighbors are currently engaged in a lawsuit with the applicants in the King County Superior Court.

The Board/CRC wrote a letter to the community discouraging homeowners from teaming up and taking legal action.

See the letter to the community

In August 2023, the CRC, with the help of their new attorney, revised the View Guidelines, eliminating important phrases and definitions that were applicable to view protection.

The Board/CRC spent $16,815.99 on legal fees in 2023.

See the 2023 attorney fees breakdown